Hospitality and Laundry

We want the hospitality industry to look further than just “trying green” and embrace a whole new philosophy associated with the terminology of eco-solutions and environmental responsibility. We recommend using eco-friendly OmniSan Anolyte for various applications in hotels to provide clean and microbial-free water, environments, and facilities.
You can use an anolyte biocide in hot or cold water, open or closed systems. It is a highly efficient, versatile, and cost-effective way to maintain health and hygiene standards throughout a hotel and in a way that is demonstrably environmentally sensitive. These products can replace up to 80% of the existing chemicals purchased for the operation of the whole hospitality facility. Due to the product’s water concentration, there is no detergent residue left behind on surfaces, as we have seen with old chemicals in the past. The residue is a breeding ground for dirt and germs.
The product is made up of 99,69% water. It can be ingested or dispersed into the environment, has no harmful effects on humans or the earth, and still acts as a world-leading virus and bacteria killer.
In-house laundry can also use OmniSan Anolyte products to replace chemicals, like dangerous stain-removal and bleaching products. To reduce volume and cost, you no longer need to be exposed to these hazardous substances and catholyte-compliments washing powders.
Anolyte generators are designed to produce catholyte on-site and on-demand from NaCl brine with NaOH concentration ranging from 1 G/L up to 16 G/L and pH ~ 11.5-13.5, which makes it an ideal solution for washing operations, bio-stimulation procedures, precipitation of heavy metals and organic matter during water purification or extraction of essential oils. Catholyte production is a cheap, efficient, and environmentally friendly alternative to presently used chemical detergents.